Friday, September 18, 2009

Another Douchebag Deleted

So I had a minor breakdown last night. Not a big one. I wasn't a blabbering mess. I was just irritated and had a small tear falls. I found out something that I needed to know, but had to find out on my own.

I had been talking to a guy that I have known for quite some time. The past few months have been on a completely different level. I wasn't letting myself fall like I did in the past but I was feeling like this could be something good. He would come over and chill at least once a week all night. Have fun, talk crap, drink, watch movies. Nothing serious. One thing led to another and we were kissing. This is great. Kinda innocent moments, not raunchy. I could handle this. He started telling me how he was going to do this for my birthday and how we should go to these games and once again, this could be good.

He came to my birthday party and met all of my friends. Acting the same way with me in public as he did in private. Then he kinda fell off the face of the earth. I knew he was working a lot so I tried not to bother him. Send him a random "hey" or "hi" or "have a good day" text and got nothing, time after time. So I sent "do you want me to stop?". No response. So I stopped. Whatever your problem is you'll get over it and when you have time then you'll talk to me...ok.

I looked at Facebook yesterday. You can see when people take tests, what they say to other people, etc. With him being MIA I found it odd that he posted quiz results in the same day. So I got nosy. "How many kids will you have"...ok, fine. A comment posted to it dropped me. "I got 4 Babe!"....and then his mom made a comment in reference to the other girl...Then I looked at their history...Right around my birthday he added her. Since then there have been "miss you baby" and "cant wait to see you baby" comments all over it. That's why you've been distant.

That made me think once again, something is wrong with me. I am only good for being the side girl or stand by until something better comes along. What pissed me off is that he couldn't even tell me. JUST TELL ME and I'll leave you alone. DON'T just throw me to the side with nothing! I had known him for so long and we were friends first. Why couldn't he just tell me?

I deleted his number and deleted his facebook. The guy that didn't seem like he would be "that" guy turned out to be him in disguise. Too good to be true. That's how my luck works.


  1. yeah im sorry he couldn't be up front with you, another let down from another douche bag dude. ive been in this spot before plenty of times and I always remind myself that it is better to know sooner than later? Perhaps because then you are just wasting more time. I went through a situation of dating a guy for 9 months where he had a gf the whole time and to top it off she had cancer! He told me that they broke up but never did when she ended up callin me on a holiday weekend and saw our txts to eachother and left me nasty vm messages. I came clean with her and told her everything and she still went back to him which is nuts. But you know you dont want to center yourself around someone that isn't honest or selfish to not tell you. I swear men want it all, like a couple chicks a time an its truely immature. Whether its to build up their ego or just have fun for the moment but they are playing with emotions. So I say F*ck em! Next time you be in charge and call the shots plus its empowering ya grly- something better will eventually come along thats how you have to see it.

  2. :( im pretty sure this is why i just shut myself off from having anything to do with a "relationship" im pretty sure it's not healthy in some way...but i really hate that sting of rejection.

    men are idiots. im sorry jen. and sorry doesnt help the hurt.
